Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Pad Dressage Lycra and memory foam half pad with bamboo fibre - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop


وسادة ترويض ليكرا وإسفنج ميموري فوم نصف وسادة من ألياف الخيزران

سعر العرض€159,90 EUR

الضرائب مشمولة الضرائب سيتم احتسابها عند الدفع

رمز التخزين: 8051360667015





اتصل بنا

إن وسادة الإسفنج الذكي المسطحة ذات الكاهل الكلاسيكية والفواصل ثلاثية الأبعاد المصنوعة من الليكرا وألياف الخيزران ومقبض السيليكون هي نتيجة البحث المستمر عن المنتج المثالي لجميع احتياجات الحصان والفارس.

المواد المستخدمة تحمي البيئة وفي نفس الوقت تعمل على تحسين أداء المعوض.

الليكرا هي مادة مرنة تشعرك بالراحة. توفر الرغوة الذكية المستخدمة في الحشو توسيدًا ممتازًا للمعوض، كما أن قدرتها القصوى على الضغط تتجنب الضغط المستهدف على ظهر الحصان وتساعد على توزيع وزن الفارس بالتساوي.

يمتص شكل الذاكرة، من بين أمور أخرى، الصدمات الناجمة عن الحركة وبالتالي فهو مسؤول عن سلامة الحصان. يتمتع كل من الإسفنج الذكي ومادة ألياف الخيزران المبتكرة بخصائص استثنائية في تنظيم درجة الحرارة والرطوبة. للحفاظ على ظهر الحصان جافًا ومريحًا في جميع الفصول.

يتميز تصميم الحشو بإدخال العمود الفقري المركزي ثلاثي الأبعاد. تمنح هذه الحشوة ثبات المعوض، وتسمح بتدوير الهواء وتتجنب الضغط المرتبط بالحجم في منطقة كتف الحصان والعمود الفقري.

تم تحسين الشكل لسروج الترويض، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على راحة عضلات كتف الحصان. مقبض تصميم Acavallo يحمل المعوض في مكانه أسفل السرج ويمنحه الأناقة الخاصة النموذجية لمنتجات Acavallo.