Sattelgurtbezug Lammfell für Modell WAVE - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Sattelgurtbezug Lammfell für Modell WAVE - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop
Sattelgurtbezug Lammfell für Modell WAVE - Reitstiefel Kandel - Dein Reitshop


Lambskin saddle girth cover for model WAVE

Offer price$59.00 USD
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SKU: 4031189244912

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This soft cover made of real, vegetable-tanned lambskin was specially developed for the PASSIERBLU Wave saddle girth and makes the girth even more comfortable for the horse. Particularly practical: the tabs on both sides and the Velcro fasteners, with which you can easily attach the strap. This means the lambskin doesn't slip under the belt, but always stays exactly where it belongs! The cover is easily removable and washable with a lambskin detergent.


50 to 80 cm

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